Our Private Range Facility in Virginia is located on 36 acres, just south and across the James River from historic Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown...
Arial View of the 36 acre property…
This is a muti-purpose range with plenty of falling steel and shooting props…
BE ADVISED: THIS IS NOT A PUBLIC RANGE, its a PRIVATE SHOOTING SCHOOL & it is my private range facility. I do NOT sell memberships nor do I rent range time to individuals. It is strictly used for firearms training under my strict supervision.
I run a discreet operation and at the request of my clients NO SPECTATORS ARE ALLOWED. If you come by unannounced you are trespassing and are subject to arrest.
CUSTOM SHOP HOURS: OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. This closed shop policy allows me to get the work done in a timely manner without interruptions. If you need to come by the shop please email me first at intel@TacticalShooting.com to make an appointment to come here. Thank you for your understanding.
Mailing Address: TSA, 7366 Colonial Trail E., Surry, VA 23883
Tel: N/A Note: The BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME is via Email: info@TacticalShooting.com
Helicopter Landing Zone on Range:
N 37o 05’ 28.6”
W 076o 44’ 01.4”

Aerial view of Close Quarter Battle Ranges…

Basic Training Range

Scenario Shooting Range 2

One of our Plate Rack Ranges