CUSTOM GUNSMITH Training Classes NOW Forming! Classes now available for Customizing GLOCK, M1911 Pistols and other Weapons!
D.R. Middlebrooks is Certified as one the “TOP 100” Custom Pistolmiths in AMERICA today…
Learn from Pro Gunsmith and Master Pistolsmith D.R. Midlebrooks who has over 30 years Experience in Tuning and Building World Class Competition Guns as well as Fighting Guns for Duty and Carry…
IDPA M1911 Custom Pistol Built by Master Pistolsmith D.R. Middlebrooks of Surry, VA…
M1911 Accuracy & Reliability Jobs; Trigger Jobs; Sight Installations; Barrel Fitting; Grip & Thumb Safeties; Mods that enhance Ergonomics & Creature Comforts; Mods designed to gain the “Mechanical Advantage”; Refinishing and much, much more.
Custom Combat Carry Glock 19 Tuned by D.R. Middlebrooks of the Tactical Shooting Academy (TSA)…
GLOCK Grip Frame Mods; Stippling & Texturizing; Grip Chops; Trigger Jobs; Mods that enhance Ergonomics & Creature Comforts; Mods designed to gain the “Mechanical Advantage”; Sight Installs; Barrel & Compensator Fitting and much more.
Disabled American Veteran Robert “ZIG” Hensley Learning Basic Machine Shop Skills in a Tactical Shooting Academy (TSA) Gunsmithing Class…
ZIG Hensley at his work bench in a Tactical Shooting Academy (TSA) Gunsmithing Class…
TUITION for Private LESSONS (1 Student) WEEKDAYS: $60 per hour. Weekends: $75 per hour.
CLASS DATES: Due to the Small Class Size, we can be somewhat flexible when Scheduling Courses. D.R. will work with you to accommodate your schedule.